- Official name: Swiss Confederation (Confederation Helvetica / CH).
- Political Structure: Federal state with 26 cantons (states).
- Parliament: Bicameral (Council of States; National Council).
- Executive Branch: Federal Council (collegial body of 7 members of all major political parties).
- Capital: Bern.
- Political Risk: none.
- Size: 41,293 sq km (16,000 square miles).
- Population: 7.4 million.
- Size Economy (GDP): USD 309.5 billion.
- GDP/capita: USD 41,800.
- Exchange control: does not exist; all currencies can be traded freely.
- Legal System: The Swiss Civil Code of 1907 and the Swiss Code of Obligations of 1911, which comprises the Swiss Company Law.
- Patent Law: Swiss Patent Law of 1956 with additions.
- Workforce (Sectors): 3.96 million (Services 72%, Industry and Commerce 24%, Farming 4%).
- Religions: Roman Catholic (42%), Protestant (35%), Muslim (4%), other (8%), no religion (11%).
- Languages: German (64%), French (20%), Italian (6%), Romansh (1%), other (9%).