Other reductions through company-specific tax models
Tax optimization makes it possible to lower tax rates considerably to below 10%. Companies may solicit a binding (advance) tax ruling for their effective tax burden from the tax authorities. Tax benefits are granted on a case by case basis, depending on the location and the type of business.
Avoiding double taxation
International double-taxation treaties (DTT) are in place to prevent double taxation. Switzerland has signed double taxation conventions with over 60 states, including nearly all Western industrial nations.
Lowest value added tax (sales tax) in Europe
Switzerland has by far the lowest value added tax (VAT) anywhere in Europe. Regular VAT is 7.6%. Hotels are taxed at 3.6 %, and necessities/convenience goods at just 2.4 %. Other goods and services, such as medical care and education, are completely exempt from VAT.
Tax Optimization for Swiss Companies
Switzerland offers attractive options for reducing the tax burden for Swiss Companies, in addition to the overall low tax rates.
Minimizing a company's tax burden depends on its type of business and especially on the share of foreign business done by the Swiss company. A professional evaluation of the corporate structures such as purchasing and selling agencies, Business Control Centers, Shared Services Centers, the administration of intellectual property rights, finance companies, holdings and principal companies is therefore required.
Advance Tax Ruling with the tax authorities
An advance "Tax Ruling" from the tax authorities provides a written and binding determination of taxation. Relevant factors for taxation are the type of business engaged in by the company and its location in Switzerland.
Management Company
The management company (either a mixed or domicile company) coordinates its activities from a base in Switzerland and does most or all of its business abroad.
The company in Switzerland furnishes services to other companies in the group, such as management support, accounting, marketing or HR administration where at least 80% of the earnings and 80% of the expenses are generated abroad.
All income from abroad is subject to a 7.83% tax at the federal level. At the cantonal level, a very low tax rate applies depending on location, e.g. 2%. All income from Swiss sources is subject to regular taxation.
Total effective tax burden varies form 9% to 12%.
Principal Company
Corporate risks, assets and decision-makers are in Switzerland.
The principal company takes on coordination and trading functions for an international group of companies in the sense of a principal structure, i.e. "contract manufacturing" and "stripped buy-sell."
Risks and responsibilities are shouldered for activities like procurement, production, sales, logistics, financing, R&D planning, and drawing up marketing strategies.
Special tax models are used at the federal and cantonal level.
An effective total tax burden various between 5% and 7%.
Holding Company
The primary purpose of a holding company is to hold and manage stakes in other companies.
At the same time, the holding company is authorized to handle financing activities, manage cash and assets and administer intellectual property rights.
Conditions for being taxed as a holding: At least 2/3 of the assets are financial holdings in affiliated companies, or at least 2/3 of the income derives from these holdings.
At the cantonal/communal level, the company is completely exempt from taxes on income from dividends, interest, capital gains and other income from capital holdings. At the federal tax level, tax benefits are granted on income from qualified holdings and capital gains.
The total tax burden is 0% on income from qualified holdings, and 7.83% on income from non-qualified holdings and capital tax of 0.03% - 0.05%.